VFW members and Boy Scouts across America adorned county courthouses with U. S. flags in honor of our nation's veterans.
Colfax County Courthouse
Raton, New Mexico
sjfphotographyfine art printsgreeting cardsnatural light portraits
We are on the annual trek to Raton, New Mexico and the NRA Whittington Center for the benchrest competition. Fellow shooters stay at the Budget Host Motel so we do too. The Budget Host, also known as the Melody Lane Motel, boasts 27 modern rooms with air conditioning, mini-refrigerator, hair dryers, free wi-fi (believe it or not!) and the piece de resistance -- Thermasol steam bath in the shower! Too bad there's not a vibrating bed with a quarter slot. . . .
Finally, after a long wait, the ribbon-cutting at the Buddy and Maria Elena Holly Plaza occurred yesterday with the unveiling of the relocated and refurbished statue. Maria even graced Lubbock with her presence. Today's letters to the editor noted that although the plaques from the West Texas Musicians Hall of Fame were shined up, they were affixed to the wall in random, not chronological, order. From a photographic viewpoint, the area is not especially photogenic. The photographer would almost have to recline at Buddy's feet and shoot up his nostrils to avoid background clutter. I miss being able to see the neon-lit Cactus Theater after exiting the interstate onto 19th Street.
Buddy and Maria Elena Holly Plaza
19th Street and Crickets Avenue
Lubbock, Texas
Wonder which came first -- the address or the landscape?