sjfphotographyfine art printsgreeting cardsnatural light portraits
June 30, 2011
June 29, 2011
Fooled ya! This is not the Stonehenge in England but rather the replica of Stonehenge in Odessa, Texas. Patrons of the University of Texas Permian Basin erected a Texas Stonehenge in 2004. Had we been here last week, we would have seen the Summer Solstice shadow cast by the heel stone.
Odessa, Texas
June 28, 2011
Fellow photographer Lynn Baldwin has a body of work featuring the Statue of Liberty. Visit his "Carrying the Torch" gallery at Wonder if he ever shot Miss Liberty on Main Street in Seagraves, Texas where empty storefronts frame a military park honoring veterans?
Statue of Liberty
Main Street
Seagraves, Texas
June 27, 2011
June 26, 2011
Come August, this cowboy will be a grandfather. At the shower today, his gift to the future grandson was a plush rocking horse. The hat and guns will come later. It's hard to believe that my baby brother is a "pawpaw." (photo taken circa 1958 in the den at New Deal -- open-face gas heater, cabinet television with doors, and patterned drapes)
At the car and bike show, I spotted this 1938 vintage vehicle with customized interior. It's name? What else but the ".38 Special."
Wild West Harley Davidson
5702 58th Street
Lubbock, Texas
June 24, 2011
1203 Avenue D
Abernathy, Texas
Two-year old Clara is the youngest member of the Friday morning coffee shop regulars. Her grand-daddy brings her for scrambled eggs and ham. The first request upon seeing Pop, her great-grandfather, is to ask for "qwawters." Some of vending machines are conveniently placed at two feet height for Clara to insert her money and get the prize. Of course, the regulars enjoy the Friday morning entertainment provided by Clara, who is torn between eating and exploring.
June 22, 2011
June 21, 2011
June 20, 2011
The great-granddaughter of sculptor Vivian Cooke slept through the unveiling of her statue "A Golden Day" at City of Lubbock Cemetery on Saturday. The statue commemorates all the infants buried in the Babyland section of the cemetery and is the first piece of public art installed in Lubbock in 50 years.
Babyland, City of Lubbock Cemetery
2011 E. 31st Street
Lubbock, Texas
June 19, 2011
June 18, 2011
Team ropers compete for fastest time. The header must lasso the horns and the heeler ropes both rear feet; the ropes must be taut and both horses face the steer. The flagman then drops the flag, signaling the timer to stop the clock. The flagman serves as arena judge and assesses penalties for "breaking the barrier" (starting too soon before the calf exits the shoot), roping only rear foot, or "no time" (failure to get a rope on the cow).
West Texas Church at the Barn Roping Arena
8322 West Erskine
Lubbock, Texas
June 17, 2011
Team roping is one of the six rodeo events and also a popular sport in West Texas. The West Texas Church at the Barn includes the roping arena in the back. Friday evening found wives in lawn chairs, children on the swing set and cowboys and cowgirls waiting for their steer to exit the chute.
June 15, 2011
June 14, 2011
June 11, 2011
June 9, 2011
June 6, 2011

June 5, 2011
June 2, 2011
June 1, 2011
From the archives:
Monahans State Park
Monahans, Texas
Our drought continues. Summer greenery eludes us but the hot winds and blowing sand continue. There was a cloud last night and I heard someone said he had a "half inch" rain -- the few raindrops were one-half inch apart!

don't fence me in
The circus is in town. Instead of traveling by train, the performers convoy in RVs and the animals arrive via semi-trailer. As a child, I remember the circus coming to the train station and watching the elephants parade down Broadway to the Lubbock Auditorium. Today Ringling Barnum and Bailey circus has only three elephants-- Suki, Mimi and Bonnie -- who while away the time between performances in an area outside the Auditorium. (The elephant keeper with his wheelbarrow and shovel evaded this photographer!)